A Billion Acts of Love


A Billion Acts of Love: what does this mean? A Billion Acts of Love is Common Passion’s endeavor to collaborate with the global community. Inspired by the upcoming Venus Transit on 2012, we wanted to do something, well, astronomical, to commemorate the last Venus Transit we will witness in our lifetimes. The next Venus Transit will occur in 2117 so it is a unique and significant event that has a history that has long been documented by humanity. Recognized by both ancient and present cultures as a source of wonder, beauty, discovery and possibility, the Venus Transit provides us with an exciting opportunity to leave a legacy for the next generations to witness it. A legacy in consciousness, a legacy of love. Venus is, after all, the goddess of love…

On June 5th/6th 2012, a powerful activation will occur. 2/3 of the earth’s population will have a 6 hour window to collectively witness an event that will not occur again until 2117. Our “twin” planet Venus will visibly make it’s transit across the sun.

Common Passion invites you to join in sharing and manifesting a billion acts of love preceding, during and after the 2012 Venus Transit. These acts are a reflection of what love is to you and they can be directed towards ourselves, our family, friends, partners, co-workers, our community, others we don’t know, and Mother Earth. Use your creativity and be joyful! Join us by commenting below. We want to hear about the acts of love emanating from your own beautiful heart. Share this freely with others and encourage them to to join you in this amazing endeavor.

Together we WILL inspire and manifest the change we want to see!!!!

By Rachel Frey

To learn more about Common Passion, please click here.