Global Water Ceremony

Water ceremony

We invite you to participate in a Global Water Ceremony, aligned with the Waitaha Water Gathering October 15, 16, 17, 18 in New Zealand:

This Global Water Ceremony will also be shared by First Nations around the world including Wandering Wolf (Tata Cirilo, aka Don Alejandro, Grand Elder of the Maya) and other Mayan elders in Guatemala.

These days are opportunities to meet water as the living blood of Gaia and as a sacred essence in all life. Of course we can honor water before and after this Global Water Ceremony. There are no set agendas, leaving ample creativity for you or your group to create ceremony to appreciate water in all its forms and honor water in and around us.

From one of the organizers, Sjoerd Aardema of Para Pachamama

We dream of the many Nations that on the days of the 15th through to the 18th of October will hold ceremony with Water. Many new relations have joined us to become Water Ambassadors, in true fact we are all Water Carriers. And all of us are divinely connected to the Greater Water Wheel and so it is your birthright to honor and bring love and attention back to the Waters from which we all came.

For the preparation we ask for you to go soon to your waters, lakes, streams, oceans, springs and head waters, and hold a meditation or prayer of gratitude and love. Feel into the place or body of water that is calling you. Collect a small bottle of water there. Bring it home. Appreciate it. Honor it. Meet it for the first time.

There are many places in drought, many in floods, many with polluted waters, and much water in polluted bodies. This is a time of healing, of reconnecting, or appreciating, of purification, and of awareness that can lead to conservation and respecting what we put into water. Together, with a shared intention to honor the spirit and substance of water, we can change our relationship with water…and Gaia.

Please share your ideas on our blog:



We hope you join us!

Our best, in service,
Joseph R. Giove and the Common Passion team

2 thoughts on “Global Water Ceremony

  1. The water gathering is a great idea. I catch snowmelt and save it sometimes for the summer. During the Venus transit, I left a bottle of water out in the sunlight until the end of the event, then dropped a small tourmaline crystal in and capped it. It’s a reminder when I take it out and look at it once in a while – I planted a white tree rose at the same time, and it is doing beautifully, glowing in the sunset every day. You can use your gathered water to water a plant, for example. You can also save the water, and during significant times, like bad news days, take it back to where you got it and pour it back in, with your peaceful intentions. It may seem symbolic, but it is a very tangible act. You can put a crystal in the water where you gathered it (don’t let it wash away) and take a picture of it. Then retrieve the crystal and keep the picture by the container of water. It helps keep it “three-dimensional”.

    Google “The True Power of Water”, by Masaru Emoto – his work is an amazing breakthrough. In a little more technical vein, you could do worse than to try “Gem Water”, by Michael Gienger and Joachim Goebel. This would be an excellent opportunity to “tune in” to the power of water, especially with the total lunar eclipse Wednesday October 8th, around 3:45 A.M. P.D.T. (San Francisco time), and thanks for alerting me to this event.

  2. The links are kind of unclear – is this where we’re supposed to leave comments? Anyway, here is my comment: Water needs our conscious cultivation and protection now. Here in Minneapolis/ St. Paul, the transportation authority, MNDOT, has destroyed all natural springs except one. 15 years ago, we were defending the last spring, and a small group of us went to the state Capitol in St. Paul to lobby. Fortunately someone had entered a bill that said that MNDOT had to stop construction on the freeway going through if construction affected the spring’s flow, and couldn’t resume until they figured out how to remediate. One person in our lobbying group knew how to lobby – she had pinpointed some legislators who might be moved on the issue, assigned us each someone to visit. She said: sit in the outer office until the legislator will meet with you. I drew a Republican. I thought, what am I going to say to him? the talking points were about how the spring was a holy site for the indigenous Mendota Dakota. Very good point, but unlikely to move a Republican. I thought about what Republicans (pre-Tea Party) care about, which is being conservative, conserving things. I told him, something along the lines of: “water is going to be the next big thing – we in Minnesota are not that conscious of that because we have SO much water, but the rest of the world will be wanting our water. MNDOT has destroyed all natural springs in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area except this one.We need to preserve this one for our water security.” I don’t know what happened, but in a somewhat unfavorable legislative environment, the bill passed. Subsequent construction did affect the spring’s flow, construction was stopped until the reason was pinpointed. The freeway was completed, but the spring was preserved. If you are interested in the entire back story, which includes a non-recognized indigenous tribe, and protests around sacred trees, see Mary Losure’s book Our Way Or The Highway: Inside The Minnehaha Free State.

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