Month: January 2013

12 Jaguar / Ix

Jaguar conjures an image of a large, powerful, sleek, beautiful animal with a shiny spotted coat. Either lying in the treetops or moving stealthily along the ground, she always seems at one with nature.   Some who travel to the Guatemalan…

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After Thursday’s Call…

I want to share part of my personal experience after Thursday's call, as it was a truly magnificent, serendipitous day. As I reside on the west coast and I had been up late working Wednesday night, it was a fairly…

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5 Deer / Kej

We are so excited about 5/Deer, the next call in our 90-day Tele-webcast series. As the days get longer and with the promise of springtime and new beginnings on the horizon, it seems fitting that the energy of January 17th…

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