
Our Blog

  • The Nature of Reality: Consciousness, Light, and Simulation

    This discussion explores the profound interplay between consciousness, light, time, space, and the nature of reality through the lens of quantum mechanics, David Bohm’s Implicate Order, and philosophical inquiry, while integrating perspectives from simulation theories. It examines the idea that the speed of light, often viewed as a universal constant, may instead reflect the “tempo”

  • Support Consciousness Beyond Division

    With the populist leanings of recent elections around the world, and the seemingly growing divide between oppositional viewpoints, it becomes more important than ever for us individually to find balance between our socio-economic and world views and that of the prevailing political winds that influence our values and ideals.

  • act-of-love

    One Humanity

    We honor each May 1st as a symbolic day of unconditional love and call upon all people and all nations to gather together in the wisdom of peace and love.

  • The Yoga of Time Travel

    Lately I have been receiving a lot of inquiries concerning the field of medicine and its relationship with quantum physics. Of course since quantum physics is the basis for all physical processes including those that happen in the body, it would seem that its findings should somehow be made relevant to discovering cures for diseases…

  • spring-updates

    Spring is Here!

    Just Like all the blooming flowers and budding trees, the common passion core team has Sprung to Life! stay tuned for this years events and programs. and as always we will have a new Video for you every month. Happy Spring 2016 Everyone!

  • October Updates

    Enjoy this slow beautiful time of year, we are. The Core team continues to plan next years events the website gets to take a break! Thanks Core Team!!

  • awareness

    September Updates

    International Day of Peace was again a beautiful experience. join our community to learn more. Please take a moment and sign up, and receive our monthly events and programs newsletter.

  • Water ceremony

    August Updates

    There is a very fascinating free online event on Wednesday, August 26, 5:30pm Pacific, 8:30pmEastern, 12:30am August 27th GMT featuring Qigong master, teacher and healer Mingtong Gu: Transforming Stress & Disease Through Qigong: How to Release Old Blockages & Heal Your Body, Mind & Emotions.

  • July Updates

    There is still time to join the Equinox Adventure to Machu Picchu Perú and other sacred sites in Perú and Bolivia September 12 – 26 2015, with the Equinox in Machu Picchu, considered one of the top travel destinations in the world! See photo gallery and details here.