Support Consciousness Beyond Division

With the populist leanings of recent elections around the world, and the seemingly growing divide between oppositional viewpoints, it becomes more important than ever for us individually to find balance between our socio-economic and world views and that of the prevailing political winds that influence our values and ideals.

This post is an invitation to share your thoughts on how we can use our collective intention, attention, and action to foster harmony, understanding and coherence toward raising the consciousness of our world.  Your comments to the blog post will then be gathered and will form an ongoing global concordance with the intention of supporting consciousness beyond division.

Please keep in mind the qualities that Common Passion events possess:

Intention: They bring people together, remotely and/or in person, with a positive intention shared by everyone participating in the event.

Coherence: They contain activities both inwardly focused and outwardly focused that create coherence among participants. Outwardly focused activities include dance, musical events, social or environmental activism. Inwardly focused activities include local group or global meditations, or prayer circles. Often the activities are simultaneously inwardly and outwardly focused.

Harmony:  The outcome of the shared intentional coherent activities is harmony amongst participants that also influences people, life and the environment around them.

We invite people from all walks of life who share an affinity for these qualities to participate in our events.

This post is NOT a place to air your political views, nor bashing or denigrating another’s viewpoints or ideas. It is a creative space in which those who share an affinity for the higher potential of the human spirit can share at a deeper level, and which can become actionable individually and collectively. Any comments that do not honor this premise will not be approved.

Please review Common Passion’s Vision and Mission before sharing your ideas to ensure you align with us. We are not about persuading anyone to our viewpoint; we are about effectively using the power of coherent intentions and attention to foster positive change in the world.

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