Sacred Adventures 2015

September 12th – 26th 2015 – Equinox Sacred Adventure to Machu Picchu Perú and Sacred Sites in Perú and Bolivia
Equinox Sacred Adventure to Machu Picchu Perú and Sacred Sites in Perú and Bolivia September 12th ‘ 26th 2015.
Native guides will lead a small group of adventurers on a magical journey through Incan and Aymaran lands in Perú and Bolivia, visiting ancient temples and cities like the crystal city Machu Picchu, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Tiwanaku and the bi-dimensional gate. Explore the amazing energies of the land and waters of the Mother Lake, Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia. Discover the remarkable arts, history and culture of the Inca and Aymara as you enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Andes in South America. Be initiated by the rising sun on the Equinox, September 23rd, at the Temple Inti Waton high atop Machu Picchu. Be prepared to be amazed.